698. The pandemic that never happened
698. The pandemic that never happened

698. The pandemic that never happened

Ostrzeszów/Poland 06/29/2024

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The government commissioner to investigate corona management in Slovakia [Peter Kotlár] has opposed the WHO pandemic agreement on behalf of his country. Now he is telling a committee of inquiry that he will soon present evidence that a pandemic never existed. Quote from the article Government representative of Slovakia declares: “There was no pandemic” published on Tuesday on Apollo-news.net – source.

The government representative for the investigation into the Corona measures explained why he acted this way with the following words: “At the end of my investigation, which I will present in September, there is clear evidence of this, including with regard to the significance of the pandemic, the incidence and other measurable parameters “that there was no pandemic in Slovakia”.

More and more people are coming to the conclusion that the Corona was a test of society’s reactions to the introduction of laws that restricted the freedoms that had been bloodily won over the past centuries. Those of us who are under 85 – the majority – have been lucky to live our entire lives without having to hide in a bunker from bullets and bombs falling from the sky.

We underestimate the value of freedom. It was simply felt more or less strongly depending on the geographical location in relation to the Iron Curtain. However much “freedom” there was in the totalitarian system of the Warsaw Pact countries, there were no technical possibilities to create open prisons, which are now called 15-minute cities. I am convinced that if such possibilities existed, they would certainly be introduced. We can observe this in the example of the Middle Kingdom and its policy towards its own population.

By the way… The same idiots who now believe in victory over Russia, until recently believed in an “effective and safe vaccine”

Why are people afraid of freedom? They are afraid of making decisions and, what is worse, of facing the consequences of those decisions. They prefer to face the consequences of other people’s mistakes because then they can point the finger at the guilty party.

20 seconds are enough to show how the majority of voters behave.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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