874. Vaccination cemetery
874. Vaccination cemetery

874. Vaccination cemetery

Vienna 02/27/2025

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Hugo Wegener’s book “The Graveyard of Vaccination”, published in 1912, is a historical document that describes the methods used to introduce vaccinations – including forced vaccinations – in the period before John Rockefeller took over the medical business.

This book describes more than 36,000 vaccination injuries, dozens of deaths and 139 illustrations! The book in German (Gothic script!) is available here.

One of the cases described in this book: Albert Guta Knapp, son of the healthy master baker Gottlieb Knapp in Berghausen, was born on Nov. 7, 1910 and was completely healthy until the vaccination. District physician Dr. Gauer vaccinated the child on 7. 6. 1911. The arm worsened and 8 days after the vaccination diarrhea and vomiting were added.
The nurse and the coroner said that the vaccination was to blame for the death on June 22, 1911.
The vomiting stopped about 5 days before death, so that the parents believed that things were getting better.
First the coroner admitted the case and afterwards he admitted an illness from which the child had not been ill at all in recent times.

BAVARIA: Of the 30,742 smallpox patients in 1871, 29,429 were vaccinated. Vaccination has been compulsory in Bavaria since 1809.

For those who do not know German or have difficulty reading Gothic script, I found a good description of this book. Source.

Unfortunately, the PCR test that can fool the whole of humanity today did not exist back then. It would have been very useful for them back then. For whom? Because it was still the time before patents on the biology of life were introduced. The introduction of vaccines is attributed to Napoleon, who wanted to gain a military advantage over his opponents in this way. This triggered an immediate reaction from his opponents. This can be clearly seen in the example of Bavaria: 1809 – introduction of compulsory vaccination against smallpox. Although this was not the beginning of the use of biological weapons – even in the Middle Ages, snakes or strong-smelling substances were hurled into defending fortresses with catapults – it ushered in an era of vaccination deception that continues to this day.

England had
1857-1860 – 14,244 deaths from smallpox,
1863-1865 – 20,059 deaths from smallpox, during the most severe forced vaccination,
1870-1872 – 44,840 deaths from smallpox.

Sanitation, nutrition, better living and working conditions are what made it less deadly and drove it out. Next time you hear about small pox being eradicated by vaccines from your doctor or other people just show them this: Source Rhea Ann Kitowski, FB 14.07.2019.

Emanuel Macron is no Napoleon, but he would like to be!

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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