10. Mortality statistics in Austria
Vienna 5/1/2020 Entire blog as a PDF eBook. I have received the latest statistics on the mortality of persons in Austria.I have presented here the …
Vienna 5/1/2020 Entire blog as a PDF eBook. I have received the latest statistics on the mortality of persons in Austria.I have presented here the …
Vienna 4/28/2020 Entire blog as a PDF eBook. Austrian statistics will appear later this week as I announced. A very interesting article appeared yesterday in …
Vienna 4/24/2020 Entire blog as a PDF eBook. Today I want to write about the effects of this fear pandemic.Let’s start with the positive ones …
Vienna 4/19/2020 Entire blog as a PDF eBook. There are still unresolved problems on this topic: What is the scientific evidence that COVID-19 is the …
Vienna 4/10/2020 Entire blog as a PDF eBook. When millions of people are killed, the tragedy of individuals and their families is lost.Death is an …
Vienna 4/9/202 Entire blog as a PDF eBook. I am not surprised by the attitude of the governments of most countries in the world.By definition, …
Vienna 4/1/2020 Entire blog as a PDF eBook. My guess: somewhere in the world, there are several series production plants in which the vaccine or …
Vienna 4/1/2020 Entire blog as a PDF eBook. Let’s go more or less a year into the future. It’s the 1st of April, 2021.The mortality …
Vienna 3/31/2020 Entire blog as a PDF eBook. Another thing, why is there no information on how many of these deceased have been vaccinated against …
Vienna 3/30/2020 Entire blog as a PDF eBook. Everyone knows this picture with the virus!It became a symbol of our time. For a few months …