Vienna 7/4/2020
The United States has its Independence Day today and we will look at manipulation. This alluded to the fact that I don’t think that only the United States is interested in influencing our opinion. I know from my own experience that the page you are currently on is thoroughly analyzed by servers in many countries. Also in China and Russia.
During my search, I came across an interesting Swiss website Facts about COVID-19.
This is a summary of facts that contradict those officially distributed worldwide with one voice.
Only such a specification of all misrepresented information from the world media shows the scope of the crone conspiracy campaign.
This page also contains more information about how you can influence our way of thinking. The main theme of this platform is global manipulation.
See what they write about Wikipedia, which I often refer to.
I will not go into the details of the falsification of reality any further. I will not prove anything here. I think what I have written in the previous chapters is enough.
Speaking of manipulation. I can also be accused.
On April 10, in the chapter on mortality statistics in the world, I wrote that there are fewer suicides. That surprised me. I read it in one of the online articles.
I currently have very different information about suicides in Germany. In this picture, the two months of March and April 2019 are compared with the same months of 2020.

On the left, you see suicide statistics in Berlin, on the right all over Germany.
The blue bars refer to suicides in 2019, the red ones in 2020.
The statistics were divided into four groups. Counted from the left: deadly jumps, overdosage of antidepressants, overdosage of other medications, suicide due to violence.
In total, the number of suicides in Germany rose by 929 cases.
We have known the term “collateral damage” since the war in Yugoslavia.
Here’s an article about the Analysis of SwissCovid.
What can a gray, scared person do when bombarded with a daily dose of panic?
Perhaps a lot in contrast to appearances. First discussions. We were denied the opportunity to obtain information from many sources that showed different views on important issues. It’s a great way to discuss with people who are also looking for a base to base themselves on.
If your views are different, the better. This guarantees an interesting discussion.
One condition must be met during the discussion: regardless of the level of emotions, we always discuss with someone else’s arguments and look for arguments ourselves.
Mutual recognition, openness to another person.
If someone convinces me that I am wrong, I will publish it immediately.
My job is not right. My job is to ask.
I open up to other people and enrich myself.
When we talk to a person who supports different opinions than we do, we have the impression that we are talking to a man who is less sensible.
Both sides feel that way. Instead of saying insulting words, we hear what the person has to say. Not everything he says really contradicts our view of the world. Our prejudices stand in the way of understanding other people.
By “our” I mean both sides. Because we are all human. Each of us wants well. Each of us sees it differently.
In most cases, no one will be convinced after such a meeting. It is not a problem. Success is when we want to shake hands after the discussion.
Yes – in contrast to the Minister of Health, I think that shaking hands is a symbol of health and helps to improve the situation.
If someone thinks otherwise, I will respect their views. Respect for the other person, not hate speech, should affect our behavior.
Author: Marek Wojcik