Ostrzeszów/Poland 01/03/2025
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If you have a few drops of mercury at home – for example in an old thermometer – and a thick piece of aluminum foil, you can carry out such an experiment yourself:
Mercury reacts with aluminum. Both substances are contained in many vaccinations as “boosters”. Mercury is usually declared as thiomersal on the package insert. In addition, the law allows the manufacturer not to declare all ingredients if it is considered a trade secret. But which vaccination believer reads package inserts anyway? They just let the doctor inject them and their children! And then they wonder why their children are constantly ill if they don’t suffer sudden infant death syndrome first. Source: Telegram from 12/28/2024. 12:34 pm.
Both elements – mercury and aluminum – are highly toxic and easily cross the blood-brain barrier (the boundary between the blood and the central nervous system). I know from personal experience what effects mercury can have when it slowly enters the bloodstream. For more than 40 years I suffered from severe and frequent migraine attacks. This continued until my dentist removed an old amalgam filling. That was six years ago and I haven’t had a single migraine attack since.

Look for what they are hiding.
How many made-up stories are told to future doctors by lecturers in medical faculties. These lies, which have been repeated for more than 100 years, have so penetrated the popular consciousness, and not just that of doctors, that they have become unassailable tenets of the pseudo-religion of orthodox medicine.
No matter what vaccination is involved, they are all based on the same theory: vaccination with weakened “pathogens” or “pathogen parts” supposedly produces pathogen-specific antibodies, which supposedly protect against infection. The vaccine manufacturers only have to prove that antibodies are produced by the vaccination. If such proof is available, the vaccination is considered “protective” and approved. Every doctor learns this and many doctors believe it.I quote from an article on body-effets.com that takes a scientific look at the vaccination myth. Source.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com
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