Vienna 11/22/2024
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Chronic diseases – including obesity – are in most cases the result of a collaboration between the two most important industries in the health sector: the pharmaceutical industry and the food industry. I would also include the medical industry. You will probably say that there is no medical industry. And yet there is. Its end product is a pandemic of chronically ill people.
While the food industry lobbyists nervously turn their thumbscrews in their air-conditioned Washington offices, the frightening truth has long been on the table: Over 40 percent of adult Americans are morbidly obese. The diabetes epidemic is eating through all levels of society, and today’s children will be the first generation to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. The American Dream is turning into an obesity nightmare. Quote from yesterday’s article on Report24: Trump’s health care revolution: Kennedy wants to rein in Big Food. Source.
Big Food – the food industry is not aiming to poison consumers. That would be a bad business model. In their industry, it is much better to addict customers and gradually create a generation of degenerates. People who are unable to change their eating habits.

We hear from many quarters that the newly elected US president will change nothing, that he belongs to the same swamp that he only pretends to be fighting. It is true that Trump was duped by Fauci and many other similar creatures. He himself has touted mRNA “vaccination” as a major accomplishment of his presidency.
Now that he knows he was duped, it would only be fair to admit his mistake. But how could he do that? Say: I was deceived and will not be so naive in the future? Intelligent people would understand and support such an attitude. The problem is that the majority needs an infallible leader, and unfortunately there will never be one anywhere. Everyone, without exception, makes mistakes. Trump has proven with the election of people like Kennedy that he is at the forefront of an impending socio-political revolution.
Only very naive people can believe that the Deep State would support actions openly aimed at destroying this covert system of governing the country by gray eminences.

Millions of people love movies that celebrate uprisings and outsiders who resist oppression!
But in the real world, they follow the rules, never questioning those who made them!
Many people in Europe confuse the goals of MAGA – Make America Great Again and imagine it to be a MEGA movement – Make Europe Great Again, No! Europe would need its own Trump for that. So far, we lack charismatic politicians. Yes, there are prime ministers like Viktor Orban or Robert Fico. They are indeed courageous leaders who fight for the interests of their own people. They represent countries with 10 million inhabitants in Europe. The MEGA movement needs many more.
The most important thing is the free dissemination of information, without censorship disguised as a fight against disinformation. The biggest battleground in this war against the world is in the minds of people like us. In the US, we are facing a media revolution. The mainstream has suffered a devastating defeat.
When Event-201 was organized in New York in October 2019, key participants were representatives of the media – the fourth estate at the time. Today, they are being disempowered by increasingly popular independent journalism.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
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