Vienna 11/20/2024
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I am not in the habit of protecting myself – but today I prefer to deal with accusations of spreading monarchist ideas from the outset. In my opinion, kings have played an important role in history, sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. Leo Hohenberg is the great-grandson of Prince Ferdinand, who was assassinated in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914, and whose death was used as a pretext to start the first of a series of world wars.
Today I would like to build on Leo Hohenberg’s message. Not because of his background, but because the message contains a lot of wise advice on how to act in these difficult times. Report24 published an article yesterday: Leo Hohenberg: Historic speech for peace, preservation of values and personal responsibility. Source.
…whether we want to or not, whether we ignore it or not, we are already in the midst of this war.
We must be aware that this war is being waged with very subtle means: there are no battlefields, no execution squads, no gulags in the traditional sense. Through the redefinition of concepts and the targeted selection of terms, through the alteration of values via the universal repetition of mantras in media, film, and television, through the adjustment of school and university curricula, selective data manipulation—with the help of AI—and other subtle techniques, opinions are influenced, cultural identities are shifted, our social cohesion is destroyed, our voting behavior is manipulated, and we are driven into a state of unconscious submission by new world ideologies.

Not all, quite a few begin with: “Scientists have discovered”, or: “If you choose me, I promise…”.
It is impossible to summarize in a few words a comprehensive speech that describes our reality so well. It is worth reading this speech carefully and reflecting on its message. The advice it contains on how to behave in order not to be obsessed by propaganda and to have the courage to stand up for one’s own convictions is invaluable.
To be an instrument of change and peace, we can, as conscious citizens, adopt daily habits:
- Pay attention to your choice of words you hear and read. Be aware of how you express your thoughts, and carefully and consciously choose your vocabulary;
- A responsible person shows a healthy skepticism toward all forms of media and has the courage to formulate independent views on current events, guided by his God-given compass;
- Question the trends. Don’t be afraid to be the black sheep. Think about it;
- If you follow the herd, you can step into what it leaves behind!
- Limit your time spent in front of a screen and on audio. Discover the classics, ancient philosophers and actively seek ancestral knowledge. Talk to older members of your family, teach your children and grandchildren!
- Even the most conflict-avoidant person among us should actively seek out opportunities to talk to others about all manner of issues, using your sense of what is right and just as a guide. Whether in a friendly environment, as here today, or in a more controversial environment, your credibility and integrity, your inner moral strength, offer you the most honest and effective arguments. “It just seems incorrect to me” or “Can you explain it to me?” are arguments that everyone can respect. Don’t be afraid to express your opinion, even if it’s only in your immediate environment. You’ll be surprised how many people agree with you;
- To avoid feeling isolated and powerless, actively seek conversation with like-minded people to strengthen your resolve and spirituality;
- When you’re among strangers, take your eyes off your phone and try to strike up casual conversations with a cashier, a cab driver, a fellow passenger on a train or plane. Every encounter, no matter how trivial, is a Divine opportunity. You never know what effect your words may have on another person;
- Pray that the Holy Spirit Himself will work through your inconspicuous actions. Be sincere in your love for other people; God will do the rest;
- Seek God’s wisdom and guidance in every way possible and have the courage
to stand up and speak out!

Not everyone feels a fighting spirit within them, not everyone can say what they really think, contrary to popular opinion. But everyone can be relieved if they express their opinion out of deep conviction. Even if only in a circle of close friends. If one of them turns away, it means that he was neither close nor a friend. Only then does he have the right to say: I may be a coward, but I can overcome this destructive feeling of fear. That is what courage is all about – overcoming fear. It is possible and even necessary to accept everyone’s different opinions, including your own.

Peter Rosegger, Austrian writer 1843 – 1918.
Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
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