Ostrzeszów/Poland 11/13/2024
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In yesterday’s article on tkp.at, Republicans want to repeal legal protection for vaccine manufacturers (source), it says: Since 1986, vaccine manufacturers in the USA have had legal immunity for their products. TKP reported on this unique law , which protects Big Pharma and provides legal protection for vaccine production, just last week. Critics are calling for an end to this regulation – and initial signals from Republicans are promising.
The Republican majority in the US Senate and Congress offers plenty of scope for such initiatives. Of course, with such a formidable opponent as the pharmaceutical mafia, for whom the loss of such legal protection is tantamount to the loss of many billions of dollars, it will not be so easy to push through this change in the law. Why is that? I refer you to the article: How much does a senator cost? As long as the corruption of politicians, so-called lobbying, is legal in the US, it will be possible to “outvote”, i.e. buy enough votes to keep the law in favor of the sponsor.

Even if it fails, it is worth launching such a parliamentary campaign. Public interest will be aroused and people will finally start to ask questions. For example: Why can’t the best medicine in the world deal with the common flu? Why is chemotherapy for cancer based on mustard gas, which is banned for use against enemies under the Geneva Convention, still widely used? Why is medicine the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer? Why, despite intensive searches and questions to doctors and pharmacists, has no one succeeded in finding a drug that effectively treats the causes of diseases without automatically causing new ones? And why are effective, natural pharmacy remedies such as Lugol’s fluid, Borax and many others being pushed off the pharmacy shelves?

This (the picture) is the only logical answer to the questions posed above. Daily poisoning by the chemicals used in food production is also a very serious factor in the increased mortality of consumers, i.e. all of us. If these two issues are addressed in the near future by Robert Kennedy Junior – an extremely competent person with a lot of knowledge and experience in fighting the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) and the corporations owned by the pharmaceutical mafia – we can expect great positive changes in the health sector.

What good is a slim figure if you can’t get out of bed without painkillers that cause further health complications?

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com
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