Ostrzeszów/Poland 11/04/2024
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Tomorrow’s US elections, or rather their actual result, are the most important battle in the globalists’ war against the world. The fate of this war depends on who will be in the White House on January 21, 2025. Trump’s victory does not only mean the end of the globalist agenda in North America. Most European heads of state and government are afraid of freedom at the hands of the USA. Who will tell them what to do when the President of the United States cuts the umbilical cord and their friends from Davos hide in a mouse hole? Those who have believed their own lies about the bloodthirsty Putin are quietly preparing for a corner in the Antipodes, where they hope to escape the well-deserved “hate speech” against these “statesmen”. It will dominate the less corrupt public media.
This is the most optimistic version of such a development. There is so much at stake that it is hard to imagine these degenerates submitting to the decisions of the justice system without a fight. There are probably more events awaiting us that will hopefully fulfill the expectations of the Deep State to a similar extent as these two failed assassination attempts on Trump.
How much must some people hate and fear President Trump if they don’t mind Kamala’s horseshit? No offense to these beautiful animals.
I too would wave my hand at this manifestation of the “intelligence of a pol”, as President Trump put it, describing his rival in the battle for the presidential throne. There are few people who are under the illusion that Kamala would decide everything for herself after her victory. She is the perfect, thoughtless candidate for the gray eminences who secretly hold the strings in their hands.

Such statements are not an expression of their own views. Her views are identical to those of the hidden promoters of her career. It is not her communist views, if she has any, that are dangerous to the world. These are the views of the gray eminences that she expresses and that will be implemented if she wins tomorrow’s elections.
On Wednesday morning European time, we will find out what the results of these elections will be. Four years ago, it was no problem to adapt results to the needs of customers. Today, however, Trump’s advantage – contrary to reports from the New York Times, CNN or other equally “reliable” sources – is devastating. Therefore, such manipulation of Kamala’s many millions of missing votes is virtually impossible.
The only way for Kamala to win this election:
Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com
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