Ostrzeszów/Poland 11/03/2024
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We are in the midst of the biggest information war the world has ever seen. You will hear groundbreaking news that can prepare you for the inevitable confrontations to come. The more attractive a story sounds, the more carefully you should check it! They want to destroy the search for truth and plunge it into chaos to such an extent that in the end not a single person will know what is truth and what is a lie, what is real and what is false. Source.
The example of the falsification of Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla’s statements in Davos discussed in this film was described in my June 2022 article A shortcut. Then I suspected that someone who was overzealous had used typical media propaganda techniques to more easily convince skeptics. Today, like Ivo Sasek, I believe this is an attempt to destroy our environment, which is crucial for globalists. More and more often I come across videos on YouTube that criticize the head of the European Commission and present facts from a few months ago as current or completely fabricated.

I often come across attempts to get the opposition into arguments. Frequent troll attacks are designed to get us involved in pointless discussions. I never take personal attacks from people I don’t know seriously.
Of course, the opposition is divided. Every activist has their own views, which are often very different from those of others. A German financial analyst who I have often mentioned in this blog and whom I hold in high regard – Ernst Wolf – believes that Donald Trump, Elon Musk and Robert Kennedy are not fighting globalism at all. He cites many examples from the past to support this thesis. Trump was President of the United States for four years and supported lethal vaccinations. Elon Musk is pushing his transhumanist company Neuralink, and Robert Kennedy is a staunch Democrat. It’s all true. Fortunately, our world is not so black and white. Trump has created a powerful MAGA grassroots movement whose enemy is the globalist swamp. It’s true that he was deceived about the plandemic, but I think the idea of making Robert Kennedy the US Secretary of Health and Human Services is the best of all possible. And what will Kamela Harris offer the world?
If Trump wins the election next Tuesday, he will not save the world from economic recession, because no one can. The future world that will emerge after humanity’s greatest crisis will be shaped, at least in the United States, by people who have nothing to do with Davos or the 2030 Agenda.

40% will never happen, 35% will turn out better than we think, 15% can be changed with little effort and we have no influence on 10% anyway.
Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com
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