Vienna 10/25/2024
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Klaus Schwab has banned vaccinated pilots from flying World Economic Forum members to and from Davos because of the security risks involved. According to sources, WEF members are only transported by unvaccinated pilots. Josh Yoder, head of the US anti-vaccination pilot organization Freedom Flyers, said he is receiving requests from Davos elites interested in hiring unvaccinated pilots for business trips. “Now wealthy businessmen and companies are calling him and asking him to fly their executives on business jets with unvaccinated crew.”
The lives of people important to Davos, even those less wealthy because they don’t have their own jets, are worth more to the World Economic Forum than the lives of non-globalists. The deaths of such grey people, along with the vaccinated crew, would benefit the globalists in the fight against the “overpopulation” of the earth.

Well, butter is becoming more expensive because there is no grass. The cows have nothing to eat and have lost weight. And since they have lost weight, they produce less butter in their milk.
Now television will explain to us why there is no money. The forests have dried up and there is no paper to print banknotes.
The current catastrophic economic situation is the result of the insidious work of the Nazis. This is particularly visible in the autumn.

Do we really want such a stupid world? Certainly not. So why do we swallow such moronic messages without protest? Out of convenience or peace of mind? There will be no peace, I assure you. Why? Because if we allow it, the next step will be to increase terror or, if you prefer, tighten the totalitarian screw. That is the goal, after all. Absolute power over the world. Step by step, slowly, so that the cost is not too high.
A Great Reset in the spirit of Klaus Schwab may indeed prove necessary. It is important to regain control and not leave it to the globalists. Who could take over this control?

Of course, rats are just a symbol. They are exceptionally intelligent creatures.
Finally, a gem from the rich reflections of Noam Chomsky. This is what it really looks like.

And they don’t even know they don’t understand.
Noam Chomsky
Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
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