774. Depopulation methods
774. Depopulation methods

774. Depopulation methods

Vienna 10/17/2024

Entire blog as a free PDF eBook.

More and more people around the world believe that the business model of conventional medicine is to combat patients’ symptoms and prolong their lives in order to retain as many chronically ill clients as possible.

The monkey pandemic promoted by the WHO was based on symptoms caused by mRNA “vaccines” against Covid. This self-driving enterprise is the result of the oil magnate Rockefehler taking complete control of the direction of development of pharmacy and medicine 100 years ago.

Yesterday an article was published on the Austrian platform tkp.at: Researchers find 55 undeclared components in corona vaccines. Source.

Among the undeclared chemical elements, 11 of the 15 cytotoxic lanthanides used in electronic devices and optogenetics have been detected. …
In addition, among the undeclared elements were all 11 heavy metals: chromium was found in 100% of the samples, arsenic in 82%, nickel in 59%, cobalt and copper in 47%, tin in 35%, cadmium, lead and manganese in 18 % and mercury in 6%.

We are dealing with a precisely planned mass genocide. Why? It is the result of pathological ideologies such as eugenics, the plutocracy’s right to rule the world, sustainable development and the New World Order. If we add to this climate hysteria and weather manipulation supported by technocrats, which have a long history of causing unnatural disasters.

Such a concentration of epidemics of all kinds in a short period of time, which have occurred individually and at long intervals over several thousand years of history, clearly proves that the theory and practice of warfare covered the following areas:

  • Health – biological weapons;
  • Climate – meteorological weapons;
  • Environment – ​​geological weapons;
  • Infrastructure – Energy Weapons;
  • Psychology – a propaganda weapon;
  • Family – LGBT Weapon.

The list is certainly not complete. Most of its elements have branches in the Ministry of Defense in Moscow, Beijing and Washington.

What is puzzling is the synchronization of this time of increasing disasters with the approaching major financial crisis. Apparently the planners of the NWO (New World Order) are using – as in the example of the monkeypox symptoms – the synergy of the impending end of the current financial system with the remaining pieces of this puzzle.

Does anyone of you know the answer whose fingers are even higher?

This is what geopolitics looks like today. Yes, China is preparing to recapture Taiwan and is just waiting for the US to weaken it further. Israel is implementing its policy of the final solution to the Palestinian problem and provoking a major war with Iran. However, there is a higher platform that is planning all this and trying to implement it. This is certainly the previously mentioned plutocrats. Of course, not all billionaires have such ambitions. Some of them are sensible enough not to play God.

Nothing to see here!
The cactus will regain its natural appearance in a moment.

The battle for our minds continues. The winner will be the one who can use that mind.

Hacker attacks on this blog’s website are ongoing. Today one of them tried to log into my blog and instead of a username he used something like this:

Yes So we met me I could only still have set Assault Go.

At least he has a sense of humor.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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