764. Illegal squirrels
764. Illegal squirrels

764. Illegal squirrels

Ostrzeszów/Poland 10/04/2024

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The heroes of fairy tales can be people, as well as animals, objects and phenomena that embody human types, character traits or opposing views and positions. Quote from Wikipedia. Source.

Although the story of illegally migrating gray squirrels seems to be true, it has all the characteristics of a fairy tale as defined above. The story described on Report24.info in the article: Fight against illegally migrating squirrelssource – represents an interesting trajectory of an effective fight against illegal immigration of animals.

No squirrel is illegal? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that. They’re both cute, but the red squirrel has been granted elder rights: The gray squirrel invasion of Aberdeen, Scotland, has apparently been stopped.

This is squirrel racism! Fanatical defenders of the invaders will scream. It is hard not to agree with them, because the only criteria for judging whether a squirrel is good or not is the colour of its fur. Since this racism is supported by the legal government in Scotland, we are dealing with legal racism against illegal (squirrel) immigrants.

Thomas P. M. Barnett is an American military strategy researcher and globalization fanatic.

Thomas P. M. Barnett made the following statement:

The end time is the leveling of all countries on earth… by mixing races, in order to obtain a light brown race in Europe; in addition, 1.5 million immigrants from the Third World are to be admitted to Europe every year. The result is a population with an average IQ of 90, too stupid to understand, but intelligent enough to work. Yes, I recognize the irrational arguments of our opponents, but if they oppose the global world order, we will kill them!

Even those who consider themselves to be woke cannot see that such goals are reflected in today’s globalists. The theoretical background for these depopulation theories was provided by Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi.

The greatest danger to the world is the nodding of those watching the television news.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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