759. Global chaos
759. Global chaos

759. Global chaos

Vienna 09/28/2024

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They call it “global order.” A select group of UN members have agreed to a pact that creates a new global order, covering all areas of human activity, including: for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

… everyone should take the time to actually read this document because our leaders just committed us to an extremely insidious global agenda that literally covers just about every conceivable area of human activity. Quote from The Expose article: The Globalists got what they wanted: A new global order with the UN at the centre of it.

A global agreement has been adopted that we have not paid enough attention to, even though it applies to all countries in the world. The “Future Pact” adopted on Monday, September 22nd at the United Nations creates the framework of the NWO – New World Order and applies to all human activities. What are the Sustainable Development Goals? Whatever: a nice name for ugly ideas?

According to globalists, the three pillars of the United Nations are: sustainable development, peace and security, and human rights. Sounds great, doesn’t it? Here’s what it’s all about: globalists diagnose the problems of the modern world, blame us, i.e. humanity, and suggest that the only possible solution is to hand over power over the world to appropriate global institutions.

Translating the “Pact for the Future” from globalist language into English.

How much energy it took to prevent the WHO treaty! The globalists did not give up. If not with the stick, then with the club – they have just achieved their goal. The only difference is that it is not a terrorist, the head of the WHO, but the UN Secretary General – an ardent supporter of climate hysteria – who can impose new plandemics on the world, if only to protect the sustainable development of climate panic.

In an era of fighting disinformation by the NY Times, CNN and the rest of the select group of fraudsters, the most important task is to give people access to information hidden by the system. Only then can you decide for yourself what to think about the “progressive” tendencies of the globalists. If you are interested in who these globalists are, you can read about it here.

I already have an electronic climate vaccination certificate ready.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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