758. The measles vaccination causes measles
758. The measles vaccination causes measles

758. The measles vaccination causes measles

Vienna 09/27/2024

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Another obvious media lie aimed at getting people to get vaccinated has been publicly exposed.

According to documents released Tuesday by Informed Consent Action Network, a single case of measles in 2023, reported by the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention and hyped by mainstream media, was caused by the MMR vaccine.

MMR is a vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella. The above quote is from the article Maine Warned Public About a Measles Case — But Didn’t Mention It Was Caused by the Vaccine, published Wednesday on The Defender.

Symbolic image of MMR vaccines. (C) R24/AI.

We have the case of a child vaccinated against measles who was diagnosed with the disease and the media (CNN, USA Today) wrote: Get vaccinated because measles is widespread. This is a classic case when the thief shouts the loudest: catch the thief!

…children’s health took a big hit when Big Pharma and the American Medical Association over 100 years ago forced the public to transition from a natural health platform that included the use of health-promoting diets, herbal medicine and homeopathics to a drug-based system.

The best option is a natural vaccine. Who of you had such a childhood?
Source: Telegram 08/09/.2023 19:12.

The average doctor would shake his head after watching the above video. But only him. Why? Because he is average and uncritically accepts all information from medical textbooks. And what does it say? Strict adherence to hygiene rules is the basis for good health – or something equally nonsensical. Yes, exaggeration is not a good thing, but it works both ways.

Excessive hygiene is the same mistake parents make as the mother or father performing any activity, even basic ones, to “help” the child. This deprives such a child of the opportunity to learn activities necessary for a normal life. Which parent can overcome the urge to intervene in a child learning to walk? Of course there are some, but most would gladly do it for the child. To avoid falling over and to avoid the child feeling pain.

Every bump on the head or knee is a valuable experience for life. Likewise, contact with bacteria teaches a child’s body to live with them or fight them for life. No matter how complicated a chemical “medicine” would be if properly patented, it is not capable of keeping the human body as healthy as nature designed it to be.

I know parents who refused to give their children ice cream or cold drinks on hot days because they would catch colds. And these children often caught colds. Why do you think this happens?

After all, there are diseases and people die from them. Yes, they are and always have been. Since Rockefeller’s medicine, i.e. for 100 years, there have definitely been more of these diseases because natural treatment methods are rejected and forgotten and replaced by chemical “treatment”.

Suddenly and unexpectedly – ​​this is how vaccine deaths are described in the false reality of the medical establishment.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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