753. The great game of empires
753. The great game of empires

753. The great game of empires

Vienna 09/22/2024

Entire blog as a free PDF eBook.

In fact, my entire blog is about this great game that is currently unfolding before our eyes. Why did I choose this title for today’s article? I want to briefly outline the current situation in the world.

In my opinion, these empires do not correspond to our current geopolitical understanding. This is not China, Russia or the USA. Of course, these countries exist and participate in this game, but today two other empires are fighting for which national borders do not matter.

The causative empire, or THEM, is, in my estimation, a group of no more than 5,000 people worldwide. I do not include the puppets cooperating with them in the sense of the government or the officials of more important offices such as the European Commission, since they are mostly corrupt people who carry out the orders of gray eminences. They do not open their sick minds, but only open their pockets for silver pieces as a reward for treason.

The biggest scam in life.
You pay taxes on the money you earn and another when you spend it.
Then you pay taxes on what you own, even though you bought it with money that was already taxed…

The second empire fighting the first is WE – the remaining people living on this planet. THEY have money – WE get to pay taxes on it. Apparently this “fair” division was not in their favor, as they tried to seize power in the world and create a global government that would sit at the top of the pyramid system and decide what is allowed and what is not allowed for the people at the lower levels of the hierarchy. This government has been around for a long time, waiting to take over the world.

THEY presented their goals in 10 points of the Decalogue. These goals can also be found in Klaus Schwab’s book “COVID-19: The Great Reset” and in the UN Agenda 2030.

“Your obedience knows no bounds and becomes more unforgivable with each passing day.”
Thomas Mann (1940)

War manifests itself on many levels:

  1. Biological – creation of false pandemics, vaccine euthanasia;
  2. Medical – symptomatic treatment that causes further symptoms;
  3. Propaganda – a narrative combined with the censorship of different views;
  4. Psychological – sending contradictory information, creating mood swings;
  5. Migration – destruction of the national identity of European and US countries through the influx of huge numbers of culturally alien young men;
  6. Climate hysteria – triggers panic generated by those who cause environmental pollution;
  7. On the battlefield – provoking wars and preventing their end;
  8. Ideological – social divisions to keep society busy with irrelevant ideological disputes;
  9. Family – gender language, promotion of LGBT ideology, gender selection and indoctrination of children;
  10. Nutrition – destruction of agriculture and its replacement by the production of unhealthy food;
  11. Control – digitalization, introduction of global documents based on biometric data, vaccination certificates;
  12. Financial – CBDC is a digital money that allows they to control all payments.

These battlefields, which are visible everywhere today, have been prepared for decades. The WE empire is certainly no match for THEM in terms of organization and planning.

Who are these THEY? Most of them are hiding in the shadow of some overzealous people like George Soros, Bill Gates or Larry Fink, and not without reason. They take into account the possibility of failure. Then the overzealous will step to the front of the angry crowd to satisfy their angry feelings. This empire is divided by ambitions and different ways of fighting, which, despite careful planning, require constant corrections.

We don’t know what tricks they have up their sleeve – we know they’re playing with marked cards. They will want to make the most of the inevitable crisis that is coming. They will probably trigger an economic collapse after Trump wins the American election, just to get people to associate this crisis with Trump. The economic situation is so unstable that a small movement is enough to cause panic on the stock market. Then no one will be able to control events.

The truth doesn’t change just because you don’t want to hear it!

We have no choice but to prepare for this great crisis. Do you already have a supply of drinking water?

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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