747. Water attack on Europe
747. Water attack on Europe

747. Water attack on Europe

Vienna 09/16/2024

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I had planned a trip to Poland today and those plans came to nothing. While in spring 2020 border crossings were prevented due to a tiny virus, today huge masses of water wreaking havoc in many regions of Europe perform a similar function. Water is very real and you don’t need an electronic microscope to see it. I also believe that travel restrictions are not the most important thing in this situation. I would also like to add that the train from Warsaw to Vienna reached the Czech border in Zebrzydowice yesterday, where the journey ended. In the other direction, before the Polish border in the Czech Republic, entry to the A1 was impossible on Sunday between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. due to flooding.

The current Google flood map shows the situation in Europe:

You’ve probably seen videos showing flood damage, but I’m going to show you a few videos I’ve selected to illustrate the seriousness of the situation.

Lądek-Zdrój. A year ago I walked along this otherwise quiet river.
Source: Telegram 09/15/2024 11:59 a.m.

Tragic floods began in Europe on Thursday, affecting countries such as Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia. Flooding also occurred in many other European countries.

Jesenik, Czech Republic.
Source: Telegram 09/15/2024 10:50 p.m.

The power of this element is powerful. It often surprises people who are not prepared for such surprises.

Southeast Romania under water.
Source: Telegram 09/15/2024 09:51 p.m.

In Austria, the flood reached Lower Austria and Vienna.

Flooded motorway A2 Vienna-Graz.
Source: Telegram 09/15/2024 11:08 p.m.

A large number of such films can be found on the Internet. The media reports that the cause of these disasters is the low pressure front “Boris”. Why was the Russian name chosen? Probably to increase people’s hatred for this Slavic nation even more.

In search of historical information about floods, I came across the website The biggest floods in the history of Polandsource. In the entire history of Poland there has never been a flood in September or October. So we have the premiere. What am I getting at? I invite you to read the article: Geological weapons – HAARP. There you will find an announcement from Klaus Schwab’s daughter: Permanent climate blockades are coming, whether you like it or not!

The richest and most powerful governments in the world can do nothing about homelessness among their citizens, but they can lower the Earth’s temperature if more taxes are paid…

[09/17/2024] Reader @Kobieta Kula pointed out that after zooming out this Google map, the division into Eastern and Western Europe is clearly visible:

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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