743. Delivery to Brussels
743. Delivery to Brussels

743. Delivery to Brussels

Vienna 09/12/2024

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The invaders’ task is to destabilize Europe. Since Angela Merkel opened Europe’s borders to the uncontrolled influx of young men from other continents in 2015 under the slogan “We can do it”, (source) our continent is no longer a haven of peace and a long cultural tradition. Vienna was previously considered one of the safest capitals in the world. Shootings by rival gangs, knife attacks, rapes and cruel machete cuts are now part of everyday life on the streets of Vienna.

You have to throw away your passport, then no one can deport you.
Source: Telegram 09/11/2024 09:10.

When Angela Merkel, together with Nicolas Sarkozy and Tony Blair, diligently learned the basics of totalitarianism at Klaus Szwab’s “Global Leaders of Tomorrow” school in Davos in 1993, the current Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, was also there.

Yes, Orban was also subjected to this brainwashing, which instilled in the participants the false theory of overpopulation and the superiority of a centralized world government over local, state and national power systems. However, unlike the politicians mentioned above, the dogmas of the totalitarian system could not change Orban’s attitude towards the criminal tendencies of global ideologies.

Knowledge of globalist ideology is now helping Orbán a lot in his fight against manifestations of totalitarianism. Orban ordered the construction of fences on the border with Serbia to prevent immigrants from crossing the Hungarian border illegally. He introduced a ban on LGBT(xyz) indoctrination in schools. He opposed the “solution” to the refugee problem in Europe imposed by the European Commission.

Hungary sends buses of invaders to Brussels. English subtitles available.

In June, Hungary was fined 200 million euros by the European Court of Justice for insubordination. The fine has not yet been paid. In response, Orban decided to fulfill the dream of EU officials and provide them with the immigrants they wanted by organizing and paying for a bus transport of skilled workers to Brussels. Source.

The herd hates the man who thinks differently the most. It hates not so much his own opinion, but the audacity of this man to think independently and differently from others, precisely what the herd cannot do.

Viktor Orban – a politician who fights for his nation. Residents of most countries in the world could envy Hungarians for such a politician. In Poland, bandits fight against gangsters. They can allocate two large parties at will at their discretion. Both are sold to the enemies of the Polish nation in the same way. They waste time and energy proving the superiority of thieves over criminals.

Taxes are theft!!!
Choose your thieves.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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