739. When criminals control the president…
739. When criminals control the president…

739. When criminals control the president…

Vienna 09/07/2024

Entire blog as a free PDF eBook.

I have already written about Heiko Schöning – a German doctor and author, among others – on the occasion of his arrest by the police in London’s Hyde Park.

Heiko Schoening revealed incredible background information at the 20th AZK: Are Kamala Harris and Donald Trump really counterparties? Who is Philip Zelikow and with which crimes did they enter into office? And what is the connection between 9/11 and North-Stream 2? Learn about it here. Source.

Fanatical supporters of Donald Trump will certainly be outraged when they hear news of criminals in his office when he was US President. I will not console them by mentioning his health adviser Antoni Fauci. I do not intend to introduce censorship just because the information puts a candidate for the future office of President of the United States in an unfavorable light. I myself believe that Trump is an incomparably better candidate than the small-brained Kamela Harris with her extremely pro-communist views.

The story spread by the WTC Attack Commission about the miraculously rescued “accidentally” found passports before the collapse (pulverized by energy weapons) of the three towers is funny.

Passports of the “perpetrators” of the WTC attack found.

…who really wants to tell their grandchildren a story like that, and then the grandchildren will grow up one day, and then there won’t be much left of the glory of grandpa or grandma. And then they’ll say: OK, it’s fine that mom and dad tricked me with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, that’s forgivable, but grandfather, grandmothers, yes, fathers and mothers, were you too stupid or too cowardly back then? And that’s what the children and grandchildren will ask us, they will ask.

Trump will have no chance of fulfilling his campaign promise that as the new president he will end the specter of the crisis. Even the grey eminences from the “Deep State,” which Trump called a swamp, could not perform such a miracle. The Deep State can only influence the timing of the global crisis.

Many people repeat lies on television without realizing how much they are manipulated by the media.
Source: Telegram 08/30/2024 00:01 p.m.

That’s why it’s worth fighting for the truth in times of rapidly spreading totalitarian censorship. When I spoke to my friend yesterday and he mentioned that he had Covid, I replied as usual that he had the flu, we didn’t argue about it. Where do I see progress here? The fact that we can talk normally and have different views.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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