738. Monetization of children
738. Monetization of children

738. Monetization of children

Vienna 09/06/2024

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Today I will not write about the perfidious practice of child trafficking. The topic of this article is making money from one’s own children by giving them into the hands of corporate criminals to test new and profitable elixirs.

Symbol image: R24 / AI.

That’s how much money parents got who gave their children for Covid vaccine tests. This is the title of an article published on Report24.info on Wednesday. Source.

Do […] parents feel like heroes when they let Big Pharma tell them that they are injecting unsafe and as yet unexplored substances into their offspring for the greater good? … $3,000 for parents, cuddly toy for child.

They lovingly called the stuffed animal the “Covid stuffed animal” so that the child would have something lasting for its victim. Health complications can also be permanent.

Control your own thoughts. Otherwise, someone else will do it for you.

They say money doesn’t stink, but greed stinks big time. It is greed that gives these parents excuses like, “It’s for the good of humanity.” Are they risking the lives and health of their own children to demonstrate progressive thinking? They are only showing greed and thoughtlessness.

They will never understand that they may be condemned to care for a disabled child for the rest of their lives. It also happens that if the child becomes disabled, the parent who took and spent the money simply walks away, leaving the partner and the child to their fate.

Covid “vaccines” for children from 2 months!

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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