737. The cause of the excess mortality
737. The cause of the excess mortality

737. The cause of the excess mortality

Vienna 09/05/2024

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In another study, “vaccination” with mRNA preparations has emerged as the cause of the excess mortality in Europe.

In a new study, an Australian pharmacologist showed clear statistical correlations between excess mortality in the EU and the so-called vaccinations against Covid-19: He worked with Eurostat data from 31 countries for the period between March 2023 and January 2024, the percentage of Vaccinated people in the respective population and the number of vaccine doses administered. The correlations of these data are significant. … The myth of life-saving vaccination has been refuted once again. A quote from yesterday’s article published on Report24.info: Covid vaccination and excess mortality in the EU: study shows statistical connection. Source.

Excess mortality in European countries in percentage.

I will not analyze the study by Australian pharmacologist Raphael Lataster here, as not everyone is interested in statistical details. Those who are curious can look at the details – that’s why I have provided a link to this study.

I would like to highlight the courage of a scientist who must admit that he is risking his professional career and even his own freedom by proclaiming to the world theses that are often unpopular, especially among those in power.

Courage has become a scarce commodity. In a time when in the so-called “Great Britain” you can end up behind bars just for “liking” an article, in Brazil visiting the platform “X” is prohibited under penalty, in France the independent platform Rumble is blocked and the owner of the still independent Telegram is arrested in order to blackmail him with the threat of 20 years in prison, to be brave you not only need a strong character – you have to be an idealist who believes in values ​​​​such as freedom of expression.

Waking up is not enough.
You also have to get up.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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