736. Medical successes
736. Medical successes

736. Medical successes

Vienna 09/04/2024

Entire blog as a free PDF eBook.

At the beginning of the 20th century, over 100 years ago, medicine knew of 8 different drugs, 6 of which were herbal. At that time, 15 diseases were distinguished. The enormous “progress” of Rockefeller medicine means that today we have 740,000 drugs and 300,000 diseases. The concept of a healthy person has become an abstraction wherever the health system deals with these drugs and diseases.

In the UK, men are asked if they are pregnant before an X-ray. Source.

Vaccination didn’t save the world from diseases.  The real heroes, the technology that changed the course of history and public health, are: clean water, sewage treatment for municipalities and electricity to support refrigeration. Quote from the article: Clean water saved the world, not vaccinations.

How modern medicine was born?

I have written several times on this blog that medicine is the third leading cause of death in the world. Not all areas of medicine harm patients. First and foremost, post-traumatic surgery has made incredible technological and methodological advances. Therefore, I would not recommend giving up health care altogether.

It would be optimal if patients themselves found medical sources both about the disease itself and about the methods of its treatment. Many reasonable people do just that. A doctor friend of mine once admitted that he had a patient who knew more about her disease than he did. I learned a lot from her, he admitted as we chatted over a beer. However, not everyone is ready to study medical knowledge in order not to be killed. Not everyone has the appropriate knowledge base to understand what they read, hear or see. Where would they even find the time for that? They prefer to trust professionals.

Pharmaceutical corporations are nothing more than a drug cartel.
Black market value of cocaine 48,000 euros/kg.
Black market value of oxycodone 1,000,000 euros/kg.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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