735. The Rebellion of the Disobedient
735. The Rebellion of the Disobedient

735. The Rebellion of the Disobedient

Vienna 09/02/2024

Entire blog as a free PDF eBook.

Among the flock of obedient sheep who comply with even the most stupid demands as long as they are left alone, there will always be “black sheep” – subversives who do not accept the forced slavery. But unconscious slavery has so many advantages:

  • You don’t have to worry about making difficult decisions – elected politicians will do it for you;
  • Just obey and everything will be fine;
  • We sit in front of the television and let the complex processes of global development be explained to us;
  • We do not have to change our fixed views about our brave new world;
  • Conformity? The best and most comfortable way of life;
  • Are they lying to us? And who doesn’t lie these days? That’s also a way of life.

How nice it would be if there weren’t conspiracy theorists who would like to turn our world upside down. For what purpose anyway? For freedom? Can you eat freedom? Maybe freedom will pay the rent for my apartment? Followers of the Holy Tranquility religion put forward such arguments that cannot be dismissed.

They give up what they have most valuable – vaccinating their own children with pathogenic vaccines. Why should they bother to find out what they are really giving their children? They trust the authorities who only want health for them and especially their children. They also accept full control because they feel safer when there are more cameras on the streets. Such a camera will surely defend them if a dangerous situation arises.

They are also unable to combat useful control tools such as street cameras.

Source: Telegram 09/01/2024 08:31.

Such scenes are appearing more and more frequently. In the former GREAT Britain there is a desperate fight against cameras that monitor our every move. Of course, the enemy is not the cameras themselves – it is the people who use them to watch over us like sheep in the flock, and above all their intentions.

Hong Kong: People have torn down facial recognition towers.
Source:Telegram +4/01/2024 09:10 p.m.

Another video showing these “vandals” in action:

No one learns to be critical of the affairs of this world in school. You can only acquire such a skill on your own if you fulfill this most important requirement: you must be open-minded towards the world, know ALL sides of the coin without prejudice and choose the side that has convinced you. Only then can you say that you have your own opinion. Even if you have made a mistake and accepted untruth as truth, this is the best way to adapt your views to the realities that govern your world.

Say what you want about mass surveillance, but just look at how beautiful and majestetic this government drone is.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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