734. How deadly are human experiments?
734. How deadly are human experiments?

734. How deadly are human experiments?

Vienna 09/01/2024

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Since the mRNA pseudo-vaccines began to be administered to people en masse in December 2020, not a week has gone by without the press reporting on the sudden and unexpected death of prominent figures. Here are three examples from the last few days.

Claude Marquis, 36-times capped by France’s national basketball team, died suddenly and unexpectedly at the age of just 44 – from a heart attack!
Source: Telegram 08/27/2024 08:29 p.m.
Uruguayan soccer player Izquierdo died after falling during a game. He was 27 years old.
Source: Telegram 08/28/2024 05:45 p.m.
The Italian professional cyclist Simone Roganti has died at the age of 21 from sudden and unexpected heart failure!
Source: Telegram 08/31/2024 08:18 p.m.

When famous people die, we hear about it through media articles. Nobody announces the deaths of thousands of ordinary people who are not athletes or famous actors and who have never appeared on the front pages of newspapers.

Newcomers to the world, this would correspond to around 150 million vaccination deaths…this was the conclusion reached by the author of an article that appeared on the Report24.info platform on Wednesday. Shocking “Sudden and Unexpected” Study – How Deadly Are the Covid Vaccines actually? Source.

The vaccine-related mortality rate is about 3 percent of the vaccinated, with most cases occurring in people under 60 who were not hospitalized and had received their first dose of vaccination.

My understanding of the 60-year limit is that people of working age in particular were blackmailed with the threat of losing their jobs or educational opportunities if they did not participate in this genocidal experiment.

The topic is too serious to end the article with a joke – as I usually do. For this reason, I would like to conclude with a short excerpt from the speech in Ohio by Kamela Harris, the Democratic Party’s candidate for the office of US President:

Mrs Harris said: 220 million or 64% of Americans have died from Covid.
Source: Telegram 08/31/2024 10:30.

[09/02/2024] Another tragedy after vaccination. Sol Bamba, a football legend and former representative of the Ivory Coast, died on Saturday. He was 39 years old.

Another young, healthy athlete.
Source: Telegram 09/01/2024 07:43 p.m.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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