727. Plandemic propaganda
727. Plandemic propaganda

727. Plandemic propaganda

Ostrzeszów/Poland 08/23/2024

Entire blog as a free PDF eBook.

If the first plandemic attempt worked so well over four years ago, why not use a similar scheme today? In March 2020, it was the cruise ship “Diamond Princess”. This time, the smallpox virus targeted the Liberian cargo ship “INA-LOTTE”, which, after leaving Europe, arrived in the port of Santos in Brazil in July and then sailed further south towards Argentina, whose health authorities had already prepared a surprise in advance. Mon(k)eypox was “discovered” in an Indian crew member.

Herpes zoster. A common side effect of the mRNA Covid vaccine.

The media reports a series of further “illnesses” – the season of TV “experts” is back.

Fear is the most important emotion that has a significant impact on people’s behavior. This was seen throughout the world during the fake pandemic. Fear paralyzes a person and acts like a snake preparing to attack its prey. See how long the queue was in front of the monkeypox testing site in Omaha, Nebraska/USA:

Source: Telegram 08/20/2024 11:03.

Things look very bleak when we remember what life was like that the Plandemists offered.

Plans for the fall…

These are their plans. And how will it end? Let’s put an end to this farce with laughter:

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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