724. Monkeypox Circus
724. Monkeypox Circus

724. Monkeypox Circus

Korbielów/Poland 08/19/2024

Entire blog as a free PDF eBook.

The monkeypox emergency declared by the WHO could turn into a real, dangerous laughter pandemic. After the fake flu pandemic called COVID-19, there was a need for a new “attraction” for the world. The US elections will be in less than three months and we need to support easily manipulated mail-in voting with a new plandemic.

This is what monkeypox looks like under the microscope.
Here we see a direct visual comparison…
Right: Typical blisters associated with monkeypox infection
Left: A vesicular autoimmune disease that is a common side effect of Pfizer’s mRNA Covid vaccine, according to court-released documents (which Pfizer wanted to keep secret). You’d think we’d be told that the post-vaccination damage is a new disease that more vaccines are being introduced against…
Source: Telegram 08/17/2024 00:02 pm.

It’s good that we already have vaccines against smallpox. They will give us new symptoms for the next plandemic. Maybe it will be an ornithological flu? The show must go on.

We have already received initial reports of monkeypox victims from Bergamo/Italy. Source: Telegram 08/18/2024 02:19 pm.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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