722. PCR test plandemic
722. PCR test plandemic

722. PCR test plandemic

Korbielów/Poland 08/17/2024

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When I wrote about PCR tests in June 2020 (articles How reliable are the PCR tests? and Toss coin vs. PCR test), I knew that without this misused tool, it was impossible to promote the COVID-19 plandemic. Most of those who bragged about having Covid should know that they were not properly diagnosed. The PCR test is in no way suitable for medical diagnosis. Even the monkeypox advocate – the WHO published information in January 2021 recommending that medical examinations be carried out in case of a positive PCR test result.

Symbol image: freepik / @suravikin

I would like to point out that the discovery of PCR technology by Kary Mullis was a milestone in microbiology. Kary Mullis himself was a victim of a PCR test, on the basis of which he was “diagnosed” with AIDS. He died on August 7, 2019 after “therapy” for this disease. In my opinion, he had to die because he stood in the way of the plandemic and resisted the use of his discoveries for diagnostic purposes.

On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the death of the inventor of PCR technology, Kary Mullis, an article was published on the website Report24.news on Wednesday: For the next plandemic: All the facts about the PCR test – and how it is misused. Source.

The next global “emergency” due to a supposedly ultimately fatal pathogen is sure to come: The WHO and other profiteers are making their preparations ; the highest warning level has just been declared for monkeypox . On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the death of Kary Mullis, the inventor of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), on August 7th, Prof. Ulrike Kämmerer and Prof. Klaus Steger put together an information sheet for the MWGFD about the true significance of PCR tests enlightens. This fact sheet can also be read in English.

Bill Gates also suffered from monkeypox.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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