720. Murder of doctors
720. Murder of doctors

720. Murder of doctors

Korbielów/Poland 08/15/2024

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The bodies of six world-leading oncologists and two junior doctors were found Friday in the wreckage of a plane that fell from the sky in Brazil and exploded in a fireball, killing all 62 people on board.

The doctors were on their way to an international conference in Sao Paolo to present their findings that mRNA and the COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for the explosion in turbo cancer and autoimmune diseases that are now having devastating effects around the world. Introduction to the article: Doctors killed in plane crash vowed to publish evidence linking mRNA to turbo cancer. Source.

Plane crash in Brazil. Source.

It is hard to believe that the cause of the disaster was a technical failure. If so, then the cause was most likely caused by commissioned “specialists” hired by the criminal cartel of pharmaceutical companies. This is not the first time that inconvenient scientists who do not want to remain silent are eliminated. I described such a case in the article: Why does he have to die?

Brave people, and there are many of them, are a serious problem for plandemists. Today’s media, while still effective at stirring up fear about fictitious diseases, is losing more and more questionable credibility every day. Yesterday, the WHO declared a global monkeypox emergency again (after two years). Everything according to plan. Before the November elections in the USA, it would be nice to create some confusion, perhaps there will be another election fraud. When monkey viruses attack, mail-in voting is the only solution, and there are specialists who can manipulate them.

Last week, Susan Wojcicki, the fully vaccinated and boosted former YouTube CEO who was responsible for banning what she called “vaccine conspiracy theories” on the platform, died after a two-year battle with an ultra-aggressive form of cancer.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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