712. Side effects?
712. Side effects?

712. Side effects?

Vienna 07/28/2024

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It’s strange that so many people get vaccinated shortly before they die. Such a coincidence! I read recently on the Internet. Dr. Wilfredo Stokes, a doctor from Guatemala, recently published a film on this very subject. You shouldn’t talk about “side effects,” says Dr. Stokes, because these are the intended effects of biological weapons.

Source: Telegram July 25, 2024 08:28.

Almost every day we hear of athletes falling and dying “suddenly and unexpectedly” on the field. How many ordinary people die in silence and under no less torture than those who are on the front pages of newspapers? There are millions of such tragedies in the world. Yes, this is the result of the widespread use of biological weapons.

What is the purpose of using biological weapons against any person? The first of the 10 commandments of the Decalogue of these “fighters” is:

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

It can be said that this goal is still far from being achieved. However, there are effects of these weapons that last for many years and have dramatic consequences. For example, turbo cancer or reduced birth rates including the possibility of pregnancy – still for women.

We are faced with a merciless war of the pharmaceutical industry against humanity. That is the title of the new film on kla.tv. Prof. Dr. Stefan Homburg has examined the Robert-Koch-Institute (German equivalent to CDC) files that have been released through legal efforts. His sensational analysis reveals the extent of how criminal the actions of top politicians, the pharmaceutical industry, the Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI) and other players really were during Covid. In two steps with highly explosive facts, Kla.TV founder Ivo Sasek reveals what truly happened during Covid and what we will face if we don’t put those responsible behind bars. Source.

I realize that most of you will not see this film. Waste of time? The official evidence presented in it of the implementation of mass genocide plans by the state and its vassals is a great help in discussions with skeptics. We also learn how the whole world was deceived. World-scam – the domain of my blog means fraud on a global scale.

The ornithological flu, also known as bird flu, is being meticulously planned. The European Union has already ordered 640,000 doses of the new experimental “vaccine.”
The second phase of the intelligence test is just beginning.

Finally, a quote from the great Polish “Emperor of Reportage” Ryszard Kapuściński:

The condition for the existence of a dictatorship is the STUPIDITY OF THE MASSES. That is why dictators take great care of it and always cultivate it.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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