711. A plandemic of lies
711. A plandemic of lies

711. A plandemic of lies

Vienna 07/26/2024

Entire blog as a free PDF eBook.

The recently published RKI protocol clearly shows that it was politicians who put pressure on the RKI leadership to support a criminal vaccination campaign to introduce mRNA preparations on the largest possible scale under the pretext of fighting a fictitious pandemic. This time we have the full version of these protocols, because they were handed over by a former RKI employee to the journalist Aya Velázquez, who is independent of official media. The lies that are now coming to light overshadow all previous Covid revelations. The large amount of evidence available for download here in German requires careful analysis.

You can read about it in the article Schwäbische.de Coronavirus: What the government hid from the Germans. Source.

Dr. Ryan Cole is an American pathologist and owner and director of a diagnostic laboratory in Ohio. „Raise your voice against tyranny“. Dr. Ryan Cole is a US-doctor and pathologist who has been a solid opposing voice to the experimental Covid injection campaign. Listen to his matter-of-fact but also empowering message he has in this interview. Source.

The lack of correlation between reality and media reports on side effects, or the omission of this information, leads to the creation of many theories, which are often the result of over-exuberant imagination. Such theories can easily be countered with good arguments, if one has them. Applying censorship is like pouring oil on the fire, because forbidden fruit tastes the best.

“Schwurbler” means conspiracy theorist in German.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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