709. The beginning of the end of the European camp
709. The beginning of the end of the European camp

709. The beginning of the end of the European camp

Vienna 07/20/2024

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It is not who votes that matters, but who counts the votes, as Joseph Stalin used to say – a role model for bureaucrats in Brussels. It is worth examining both the hardware and the software of the European Parliament’s electoral system.

Polish MP Ewa Zajączkowska-Hernik from New Hope has told the corrupt Ursula von der Leyen directly to her face what voters in Europe think of her.

Source: Telegram 07/19/2024 1:23 pm.

The fate of the European Union and NATO is numbered. If Donald Trump wins the election in November, the entire pro-war narrative will collapse. Many Europeans are afraid of US sovereignty, which would then “threaten” us.

And it was so convenient. Orders came from Washington, as they had previously come from Moscow, to the countries of Eastern Europe. All you had to do was obey the White House and everything was fine. And now, as the economic pressure from the United States increases, we have to roll up our sleeves. What bureaucrat can do that?

They still had hope that maybe someone would eliminate Trump? There were also those who publicly regretted that the attacker had missed Trump. A German satirist wrote this on X:

Unfortunately, he narrowly missed.
I think it’s absolutely fantastic when fascists die. Source.

Trump is not a fascist at all – he is an American patriot. His patriotic MAGA movement is the best proof of that. CNN, New York Times and WSJ have been lying for many years and accusing him of intentions that he does not have.

How does fascism arise? Read more below.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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