702. Bill Gates in court
702. Bill Gates in court

702. Bill Gates in court

Vienna 07/08/2024

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Surely, “experts” are already working hard to find or prepare hooks against Dutch judges and prosecutors who dared to summon the world’s greatest philanthropist to court as a defendant. Hooks are used in blackmail attempts. Of course, these are not the only ways to influence people’s decisions. There is also the intimidation that an unpleasant “accident” could happen to one of your loved ones, and the easiest method to use at the first attempt is bribery. Why all this? Well, on September 18, 2024, in the city of Leeuwarden in the north of the Netherlands, a trial will take place against, among others: Bill Gates. Source.

Gods are not put on trial – they are believed in! That is my interpretation of the mindset of such “philanthropists”.

Seven Dutch people who suffered vaccine damage are suing Bill Gates and people from business and politics. The trial will take place in the Netherlands in September. The accusation: those who suffered vaccine damage feel they have been misled by false statements about the new mRNA substances. They want justice.

The trial before a Dutch court is certainly an important step in the Crown’s coming to terms with its past, but no court will give us back the freedom that we so willingly gave up during the pseudo-pandemic and sacrificed on the altar of “security.” Security that does not exist and never will.

Freedom is the greatest, albeit generally underestimated, asset a person can have. Why is it underestimated? Because most people do not want to make decisions on their own – they are afraid to take responsibility for them. They prefer to pay a high price for the consequences of other people’s wrong decisions. This means that they voluntarily take responsibility for other people’s mistakes. In any case, they pay a huge cost and at the same time do not want to deal with such difficult work as thinking for themselves. It is easier to parrot the mantras of false prophets on television.

No comment – apparently everyone can think.

I still meet people who are convinced that vaccinations have saved us from the worst. They hear it every day on television.

Bill Gates began having suicidal thoughts after reading thoughts from chips implanted in people.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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