701. Effectiveness of the vaccine
701. Effectiveness of the vaccine

701. Effectiveness of the vaccine

Vienna 07/06/2024

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Dr. Suzanne Humphries is an American internist and kidney specialist, independent of the pharmaceutical industry. During her decades of medical practice, she learned first-hand that conventional medicine, instead of curing people, often created new diseases. In the video below, she talks about vaccinations, diseases and health.

Suzanne Humphries never take another vx. Source.

Vaccines have never been safe and it is impossible to develop a safe vaccine. The vaccination process goes against the natural function of the immune system.

We are too stupid to realize that it (the vaccine) kills people. We are too stupid, so it is better to take this preparation since it is advertised so much on TV. Why must such a great product be forced on people? If people saw how smallpox patients fall and die and how others are saved thanks to the smallpox vaccination, the line at the vaccination center outside the city would end.

The proof of vaccine effectiveness is the production of antibodies. This is an unscientific approach to the problem of infectious diseases. Antibodies are one of many ways the immune system defends the body against external threats. Aluminum compounds are commonly used in all vaccines to stimulate the production of antibodies. Even vaccinations for several-month-old children exceed all standards.

Vaccinations are not subject to the same restrictions as chemical compounds that are falsely labelled as drugs. Such an infant can be guaranteed that, if he or she is lucky and reaches adulthood, he or she will reach the stage of dementia much earlier than is currently common. He or she now has a high probability of developing autism and many of the vaccine-induced allergies.

The effectiveness of vaccines is justified by statistics showing a decrease in the incidence of the disease after the vaccination campaign. The thing is that the beginning of the vaccination campaign falls on the period when the epidemic disappears. Important reasons for the disappearance of the disease are not taken into account, such as a significant improvement in sanitary conditions, widespread use of refrigerators and greater social awareness.

Source. I added additional information to this table.

The graphic above originally only showed the year the measles vaccine was approved for use, a tactic often used by big pharmaceutical companies and their affiliates to deceive consumers.

While you are busy with your wonderful European Football Championship, we are already working on a new plandemic.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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