699. Gender transformation
699. Gender transformation

699. Gender transformation

Ostrzeszów/Poland 06/30/2024

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Behind the transgender movement is a huge international network that has infiltrated all areas of society and politics with the money and influence of a few billionaires. On closer examination, however, this ideology turns out to be the work of high-ranking Freemasons. Their declared goal is to build a New World Order. By dissolving all traditional values, people are supposed to degenerate into weak-willed beings, an ideal subject! Is this the way to destroy everything that is glorious and unique about man, everything that gives him stability, his love, his heart and his free will? Source.

The main goal of such “progress” in the freedom to choose one’s sex is depopulation. Anyone who has undergone such a surgical procedure will never be able to father a child of their own. If we add to this a sharp increase in miscarriages among vaccinated women by taking the elixir of happiness with the letters mRNA, we can see a clear trend towards reducing the number of people in the world.

An extremely perfidious legal trick that has been introduced in many countries and deprives parents of teenagers of the opportunity to decide on this destructive operation is an important part of such a sick ideology directed against humanity. Many teenagers have often thought about whether it would not be better to be born with a different sex, but they only see the advantages of the other sex.

Kein Gesetz kann die biologische Zugehörigkeit einer Person zu dem Geschlecht ändern, das uns bei der Empfängnis zufällig zugewiesen wurde. Genitalverstümmelung ist ein zum Scheitern verurteilter Versuch, das Geschlecht einer Person durch chirurgisch durchgeführte äußere Veränderungen im Aussehen und in der Funktion dieser Organe zu ändern.

No law can change a person’s biological affiliation to the sex that was randomly assigned to us at conception. Human genital mutilation is a doomed attempt to change a person’s sex through surgically performed external changes in the appearance and function of these organs.

Our genes determine whether we belong to one of the two sexes. No ideology will change that. Even the invention of any number of imaginary genders will not change biology. If someone thinks he is a dog, then that is what he thinks and is a case for psychiatry.

The distribution of roles between men and women is natural. Men, at least most of them are usually stronger than women, ensure security in the family. The often underestimated difficult role of women in creating a harmonious family atmosphere is a classic example of gender differences. Examples that deviate from this pattern are exceptions that prove the rule.

The video above is an example of a millennia-old tradition of complaining about “the youth of today.” Allegedly found on the tomb of Pharaoh Seti – died. 1279 BC – Archaeologists read inscriptions saying that the world will soon end because young people violate morals and do not respect human and divine laws and customs, so destruction is inevitable. Not everyone from the older generation could serve as a role model of charity.

Gender reassignment using natural methods.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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