697. Hostage on the loose
697. Hostage on the loose

697. Hostage on the loose

Długopole Zdrój/Poland 06/26/2024

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The ordeal of the world’s best investigative journalist Julian Assange lasted over twelve years. Accused of publishing Pentagon documents exposing the war crimes of the US military. Below is an authentic recording from a US Army Apache helicopter showing scenes of the murder of civilians on the streets of Baghdad. This video comes from the WikiLeaks website, founded by Julian Assange in 2006.

Baghdad 07/12/2007 Source.

No, this is not a scene from an action movie made for the needs of the film industry – it is authentic footage of scenes in which the US military murders civilians. I have described the details of how WikiLeaks obtained this film in the article Collateral Killers.

The criminals who have taken over the jurisdiction of the United States have a great influence on the “justice system” in the countries of the declining Western civilization. A situation has arisen where “the law”, instead of punishing criminals, brings charges against those who make the evidence of these crimes available to the public. The above video became evidence of “treason of state secrets,” as American lawyers call it.

On Monday, Julian Assange was released after spending 1,901 days and 23 hours a day in a 2mx3m cell for over five years. He signed a “guilty plea” and American lawyers concluded that he had already served his sentence and was a free man. If we consider the seven-year stay in the Ecuadorian embassy in London as a form of restriction of freedom, Julian Assange was deprived of 12 years of his life during which he had the full right to exercise his freedom.

Julian Assage pleaded guilty to “conspiracy to obtain and transmit information for the purposes of the national defense of the United States.” After paying his bail, he became a free man. This is the “civilized” way of freeing hostages. Representatives of war criminals generously show their goodwill. In fact, the upcoming presidential elections in the United States have created a situation in which the incumbent president wants to improve his bad image and at the same time eliminate the problem of a large movement of solidarity with the brave journalist. The presidential favorite Donald Trump could have taken advantage of this chance long ago. The fact that he did not do so is a testament to the power of the US military lobby.

Five years alone in a cell…

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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