696. What is transhumanism?
696. What is transhumanism?

696. What is transhumanism?

Długopole Zdrój/Poland 06/24/2024

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Transhumanism, i.e. the fusion of man and machine, is being propagated in the brightest colors by global control centers such as the WEF and the UN as an indispensable further development of mankind. But what threatens those who eat of this “apple“? Source.

The rapid development of technology, primarily computers, has contributed to the emergence of a group of people, a group of technocrats, who consider themselves the creators of a new form that will replace life on Earth. The unfounded belief in the power of technology, in the infallibility of collected data and in the integration of computer technology to completely control thoughts and emotions, to control the unpredictable reactions of people to stimuli sent to sensors built into their bodies, led them to the false conclusion that they can control anyone and anything.

No, they are not gods who can shape our future according to their own ideas. They are mentally ill people who cannot see how isolated they are and how far removed they are from the reality that they so want to influence.

On Saturday, an interesting article about the digital AI revolution appeared on GlobalResearch.ca.

Our entire much-praised technological progress, and civilization generally, could be compared to an axe in the hand of a pathological criminal. —Albert Einstein.

The innovation of intelligent robots driven by Artificial Intelligence certainly opens up a new field for gains in labor productivity through creative destruction,  in a certain number of professions and industries. However, it is rightly a cause for concern, as it could also facilitate cheating, falsification, confusion and dehumanization of human beings in many areas.

Future college professor? Students will probably also be machines because they learn more efficiently.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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