Ostrzeszów/Poland 03/04/2024
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The President and Prime Minister of Poland have decided to start the process of Poland’s withdrawal from NATO! This revelation fits perfectly with today’s April Fool’s Day joke. Everyone can dream.

Fear production on an industrial scale – we have been dealing with this for several years. We know what can scare us. It could be the danger of an ice age and, half a century later, the danger of high temperatures that will fry us on earth as if in a frying pan. You can scare people with the virus, even if there has never been any evidence of the existence of such half-living, half-dead chemical compounds. Nuclear war is currently in fashion – another product of the fear factory.
Why don’t I let the media intimidate me? Because I have a good memory.
1960 – in 10 years oil resources will run out!
1970 – In ten years, an ice age will occur on Earth.
1980 – In 10 years, all crops on Earth will be destroyed by acid rain.
1990 – in 10 years the protective ozone zone will cease to exist!
2000 – no more polar caps in 10 years.
2001 – terrorists will kill us all!
2002 – West Nile virus will kill us all!
2003 – SARS will kill us all!
2004 – we will all die because of the tsunami!
2005 – bird flu will kill us all!
2006 – E. Coli will kill us all!
2008 – the financial crisis will kill us!
2009 – swine flu will kill us!
2010 – oil in the sea will kill us!
2011 – we will all die from EHEC (Escherichia coli again)!
2012 – end of the Mayan calendar – we will all die!
2013 – North Korea will start World War III!
2014 – Ebola will kill us all!
2015 – ISIS will kill us all!
2016 – Zika will kill us all!
2017 – Donald Trump will start World War III!
2018 – Earth’s warming will kill us all!
2019 – CO2 will kill us all!
2020 – Corona will kill us all!
2021 – virus mutants will kill us all!
2022 – Climate change will kill us all!
2023 – Putin will kill us all!
2024 – disease X will kill us all!
These are headlines from the mainstream press. As a child, I wasn’t afraid of running out of oil because the concept was too abstract for me. The Ice Age is a fascinating adventure! Fun in snow and ice! I didn’t find anything really dangerous among these scarecrows. Covid supporters are likely to be outraged here, after all there have been fatal cases. Yes, but the flu also killed in previous years and there was no mass hysteria.
There are currently fears of war with Russia. The West is trying to wage this war at any cost. Preferably from soldiers from Russia’s neighboring countries. Since this war is not in Russia’s interest, we are bombarded with war propaganda that blames Putin for it. All it takes is a few provocations, such as the attack on the radio station in Gliwice, and there will be war. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. War is the worst option in relations between nations. Even if television trumpets Russian “crimes” in Ukraine.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
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