Vienna 03/26/2024
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As I wrote in my first article on March 30, 2020, the Robert Koch Institute, RKI, was founded in 1891 and “is the oldest biomedical institute in the world” – quote from the RKI website. For two years, the German journalist magazine Multipolar has been arguing with the RKI over the disclosure of protocols for initiating an epidemiological emergency in Germany. Multipolar won this process and the RKI published over 200 documents. Much of the information in these documents has been redacted. Due to this censorship, Multipolar went to court again.
It is clear from the documents that the decision to introduce a national epidemiological state in Germany was made by a high-ranking person, probably the German government at the time. We have little choice here. The favorites are: Chancellor Angela Merkel, Health Minister Jens Spahn and EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. Virtually not a single scientific study or expert opinion had any influence on this decision.
In the article “Corona protocols testify to crimes” published yesterday on the Apolut platform (source), we read:
The apparent “fight against the virus” was a very important preliminary exercise for the “fight against the Russian”. The Corona regime has tested what the Germans can be expected to ly. Since it has been clear that almost everything is swallowed, the successful methods of mass
fraud are also used for war propaganda.

Just like the meme above, if the TV had said otherwise, I wouldn’t have known. And yet I knew it. No, it’s not surprising, I just looked for information in various publicly available sources. When I was thinking about my domain name in spring 2021, I already knew that Corona was just an introduction. That’s why I chose the word World Scam, meaning fraud on a global scale. After the virus turned into a war, administrators of various Facebook groups refused to post content that linked the two issues. In Corona groups it was not allowed to write about the war and vice versa. These days, such attitudes are rare. Our work – and by that I mean the work of independent media – is slowly bearing fruit. More and more people are understanding that we are dealing with a more complex phenomenon than just the genocide of the medical and pharmaceutical mafia.
The war in Ukraine and Gaza fulfills its function in the phase of seizure of power over the world by a group of oligarchs supported by globalists. Taxation based on climate fraud, the destruction of family ties through fraudulent ideological “education” of children, the provision of weapons to the fascist regimes in Kiev and Tel Aviv “in defense of peace”, the WHO pandemic treaty, the introduction of social credit and digital money for the full Control over us is a partial list of all actions that serve to enslave humanity.

This means they no longer have time for conscious thought!
Waking up isn’t just about watching a YouTube video with information that contradicts the systemic narrative. Waking up also means reading a good book, going to the theater to see a good performance without ideological and gender elements, taking a walk with the family in the mountains or in the forest. Have we really forgotten what our lives have been like lately?

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
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