Vienna 03/21/2024
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Heinz Bude is a German emeritus professor of sociology at the University of Kassel. In an interview with Michael Bröcker on December 7, 2021, he explained about the measures during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany that “anti-vaccination groups” “must have noticeable disadvantages” and that one “basically can no longer deal with them” “You can’t ship them to Madagascar,” but there’s no point in looking for reasons. You “have to make a cut and live with the fact that there are 20% or 15% who cannot be convinced. Bude worked on the Ministry of the Interior’s internal Corona strategy paper in 2020. Source. Here we find the strategy to make children afraid that if they forget to wash their hands, their grandmother will die because of their guilt.
On January 24, 2024, a discussion event on the topic “Society in a State of Emergency – What do we learn from the Corona crisis?” took place at the University of Graz. Prof. Heinz Bude was also present. I have selected and translated for you a short excerpt from the professor’s speech, who, as you can see, has learned nothing from the Corona crisis, which he himself actively helped shape.

…we need to find a model of obedience that’s a little bit like science […] We said it looks like science […] If you’re really disciplined, you can change the curve […] We stole it from a science journalist, That we didn’t come up with it ourselves.
Such people had a great influence on the behavior of most people. We are still fighting these lies today and there are still many people who believe these lies – including Professor Bude. This proves the high professionalism and effectiveness of the professor’s sociological tactics. Unfortunately! This man clearly does not care about the moral aspects of his actions and human tragedies caused in the name of imaginary threats.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
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