Ostrzeszów/Poland 03/06/2024
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I have already referred to this article several times. Medicine – the third biggest killer in the world. Many of us assume this, but it is difficult to imagine that there are people who want to get rich off our suffering and illness. Our naive attitude has led to this development of the world. There would be no wars if someone did not dream of wealth that would result in death or disability for millions of people. The medicine cartel works no differently…
A few years ago, when a doctor offered me statins – drugs to lower my cholesterol when it exceeded the allowable limit (200) by 20 – I told him that I was starting to wonder if I should do something in that direction , if the value exceeded the norms that were in effect at the time of my birth, i.e. 300. I let him deal with it and he said: Yes, there is controversy on this topic. It’s not about fighting doctors – they were also betrayed by lecturers at the university. Nevertheless, I expect medical graduates to be more reflective and detached from what they have learned during their studies. Because the consequences of their ignorance are dramatic.

Behind the veil of fear lies real life. When you dare to open the curtain, you realize how much you have lost because you live in a world made up of other people’s fears.
We go to the doctor because something is wrong with us. The exception was an asymptomatic infection with the Covid virus, but I have often described the stupidity of these years. The doctor usually prescribes a painkiller that doesn’t cure at all, but simply suppresses the symptoms. It will also cause several other diseases. In this way, both the medicine and the pharmacy are guaranteed continuous customer supply.
Yesterday an article was published on the Austrian platform Report24: Dangerous long-term consequences – vaccination against shingles increases the risk of eye shingles (source). The article is based on a scientific study that showed that the shingles vaccine helps the very serious eye disease shingles. There are many such examples where medicine, instead of curing, contributes to the creation of new patients. It is high time to create a different compensation system for doctors and pharmacists. Even like in ancient China. Doctors were paid by everyone as long as they didn’t get sick. In addition, every doctor was obliged to leave a burning candle in the window for every patient who died. In the Middle Ages, contrary to today’s ideas, people were still able to think logically.
In China, people used to pay doctors a kind of health insurance premium. It was a flat-rate “health fee”.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
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