Vienna 02/23/2024
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I completely understand the indignation of doctors and even greater indignation of representatives of pharmaceutical companies when they hear such “heresies”. For example, if someone claimed that electricity was a fiction, I would suggest sticking two nails into the socket, each in a different hole, to see if electricity is present.
In today’s times, when common sense is often lacking, I must add that this is not an invitation to suicide, but just a rhetorical phrase, and apologize to readers with a sense of humor for this idiotic statement. No one has seen electricity, not even under a microscope, but it exists and there are few brave people who would deny it.
It’s different with viruses. Finally, we were shown countless images of viruses created on computers. For example this one, probably made of knitted mohair:

I’m not surprised at the outrage of doctors who were taught in medical school, without evidence, that viruses exist and cause diseases like influenza, smallpox, or HIV. If they paid attention to who decides the medical curriculum, they would find the first reason for this global lie: BigPharma and its profits. Why prove the existence of viruses when everyone knows it? And how do they know that? From the media, which is largely sponsored by – guess who? Tip: Which industry products account for 80% of all advertising? And besides, we have thousands of reports of isolated viruses. We have them, but what are they worth? From a scientific point of view, nothing. These “isolations” do not conform to basic scientific rules. Before this procedure, the sample is purified by destroying most of the elements, absolutely necessary control tests are not carried out and the so-called Koch’s postulates – the curse of today’s pseudoscience called virology.
The ITNJ Commission of Inquiry into the Weaponization of the Biosphere held a conference on June 23 and 24, 2019, exposing authorities and institutions involved in acts of ecocide and genocide. He appeared there, among others: Dr. Robert O. Young – an American biologist – and talked about viruses.
For years we have been wrongly told that viruses cause disease, but there is no evidence to support this. And who cares? If facts destroy the good interests of the pharmaceutical mafia, all the worse for the facts. After all, most people don’t check the validity of media claims. Just rely on TV experts and spread belief in viruses around the world.
The plague is caused by bacteria, but who would have invented viruses earlier and why?

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
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