Vienna 02/20/2024
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A year ago I wrote in the article How and when were mRNA “vaccines” made? presented a film in which Sasha Latypova documents the connection between the US Department of Defense and the development of mRNA “vaccines” against Covid. The same US government institution is responsible for poison spray tests against unsuspecting citizens of several major US cities.
Would a government deliberately harm its citizens? “Never!” Especially for vaccine advocators this conviction is proof for vaccine-safety, as recent history surrounding the Covid-plandemic shows. The following report from Spiegel TV magazine reveals once more that reality looks different: 1994: the US Army conducted experiments with biochemical weapons in major US cities. Involuntary test subjects were US citizens, especially children. The consequences are gruesome … Source.
The 1994 Spiegel TV article Experiments with Poisons on US Citizens (source) described in this film, written at a time when the media was free to write about such crimes, describes these events as follows:
During the Cold War, the US armed forces not only exposed their own civilian population to the radioactive fallout from their atomic bomb tests. Citizens of Minneapolis, St. Louis and Corpus Christi, Texas were also sprayed with toxic chemicals without their knowledge in the 1950s and 1960s.
Although I have no evidence of this, I am convinced that the USSR also conducted similar experiments on its own citizens. I do not want to justify an empire fighting on the front lines of the Cold War, but I do want to make it clear that the “evil empire” is also the United States of America. Not the inhabitants of these countries, but their successive governments were guided by ruthlessness, because those who had influence on decisions feared that the enemy would gain the upper hand. Therefore, such “little things” as a few accident victims are not a big problem for them. After all, they were not their relatives. As former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said, it was worth sacrificing the lives of half a million Iraqi children to search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq that have not been found.
Governments have trained their citizens to care about their well-being. Therefore, it is unthinkable that they want to harm us. They force us to put on helmets before riding bikes. We could get hurt! I know, I know that a fall can have worse consequences. What if I had a desire to have such a beautiful plum on my forehead? Do I have to pay the fine in advance?

How many times did I fall on my bike in the 1960s and injure my unprotected knees so badly that sometimes the bones were visible. I returned home, where my mother washed the wound, poured iodine on it and there were no tetanus injections. I don’t want to compete with scientific research, but I do want to prevent common sense from being overwhelmed by unfounded fears.
Likewise, the President of Ukraine is sending young people to certain death to defend the Ukrainian authorities’ right to corruption. Weaken Russia? Apparently this was the plan of NATO strategists. No, weakening Russia was not the goal of this war at all. The goal was to help the world move from fear of the virus to fear of the Russians. We have to be constantly afraid – that’s what the planners of the world revolution want.
But what will this fear give us? Nothing will protect us from nuclear war and the only thing we can do is not to be intimidated to live our lives better with or without the use of nuclear weapons. We will all die – that’s for sure. In a hundred years none of us will exist anymore. So why waste our lives on useless worries? The best cure for anxiety is avoiding television. A very unpopular slogan, considering how many of these propagators of an invented reality are visible through the windows of every housing estate in the evening.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
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