Wroclaw/Poland 07/07/2023
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Northeast of the English city of Bristol is an old warehouse where a company run by climate maniacs called Last Generation was registered. The headquarters of this organization that mobilizes illegal and dangerous asphalt protests is at this address: Brick Row GL5 1DF Stroud.
Information on the Last Generation headquarters and the photo below comes from an article published on the Austrian platform eXXpress – for independent thinker on Wednesday.
They choose their supporters and activists from among young people, most of whom have dropped out of school to “fix the world”. Several of these activists sit on busy roads, tape their hands to the tarmac to make removal difficult, in protest of pollution. They do this most frequently in Germany and Austria. Such activities are referred to as eco-terrorism.
A large proportion of these climate hysterics are indeed committed to their historic mission. They’ve probably been trained by the company that promised them they’d hopefully be the last generation of slobs.
Climate apocalypses are funded by a network of globalist donors. Of course, many self-proclaimed billionaire philanthropists like George Soros and Bill Gates have their fingers in it. Source: AUF1 11/11/2022.
The creation of climate-related chaos is part of the globalists’ plan for world domination. They have taken over the UN and the WHO, they control most of the media and information agencies, many governments of the most important countries in the world are under their influence. Also, by a strange coincidence, MPs vote to accept globalist projects. How much can you achieve with a lot of money!
Author of the article: Marek Wojcik