Ladek Zdroj/Poland 07/02/2023
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Cat flu attacks presented in the media make readers smile crookedly as they warn of cat flu. The fate of this “pandemic” will be similar to that of monkeypox. All that’s left of her is jokes.
As the Northern Hemisphere took possession of the summer, propagandists, motivated by Deep State funds, went on the attack.
We have global warming. If it were possible to sustain the fear of Hellfire for thousands of years, why not use that fear? I’m not going to start a religious debate here – that’s not the topic of this blog – but the fear that the soul of a person who doesn’t feel the temperature will be exposed to thermal processes in hell is ingrained in many modern religions.
German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach fights to save potential victims of the upcoming heatwave. If a politician does something for your good, beware! Especially a politician who two years ago claimed that mRNA “vaccines” did not give any side effects. Blaming excess deaths on heat is promoted in European countries during the summer. At least in the summer, a different cause of the fever can be “proven” than these “life-saving” elixirs of happiness.

I am surprised that Wikipedia has kept a list of countries in the world and their average annual temperature to this day (source). The USA is ranked 182 out of 217 countries and regions. Apparently the USA is facing the biggest heat wave in history, at least in the media.
From plandemic experience we know that many people swallow the biggest nonsense easily when they hear it on TV. Even today, stray sheep can be found fighting for these “television truths.”

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik