Wroclaw/Poland 06/07/2023
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The long-awaited Ukrainian counter-offensive has become a fact. Mostly in the media. Yesterday, June 6, around 3 a.m. Central European Time, someone carried out a criminal sabotage at the dam of the Kakhovskaya power plant in Ukraine. The dam is at the forefront.

The media campaign accusing Russia of this act of vandalism is in full swing. It is likely that in the near future TV experts will show Putin’s fresh passport found on the spot – so there is no doubt. Let me tell you some facts about this dam:
- In 2022, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebentsia warned the international community about the consequences of a military attack on the Kakhovskaya power plant dam;
- The Ukrainians are attacking the Kakhovka Dam in an attempt to breach it, thereby raising the water level, which would cause flooding in the adjacent areas. In such a scenario, thousands of civilians would die and thousands of houses would be damaged – said Nebenzya;
- Im vergangenen Oktober schickte die Russische Föderation einen Brief an den UN-Sicherheitsrat, in dem sie sie aufforderte, eine Katastrophe im Wasserkraftwerk Kachowka zu verhindern, die Tausende töten könnte;
- Die UN ignorierten Warnungen vor der Provokation.
That’s what terrorists do when they plan to blow up a dam, isn’t it?

We know the same scenario from Bucza, a bridge in Crimea, and even Nord Stream 2 was blown up by the Russians, more precisely in the water…
See what life is like in Russian-controlled Mariupol:

This film is Kremlin propaganda! Behind each of these smiling young people there is surely a Russian soldier with a Kalashnikov ready to fire…
Author of the article: Marek Wojcik