Vienna 04/15/2023
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The decline of the dollar became inevitable when the private FED organization took control of the production and distribution of the then gold-backed paper dollar bills. The US Reserve Bank, which is still active today, was founded by the wealthiest families in the USA. When Paul Moritz Warburg, a German banker from Hamburg, arrived in New York in 1902, he was surprised to find that there was no central bank in the United States. On his initiative, the Federal Reserve System (FED) was established in 1913. The formation of this private company was planned on Jekyll Island during a 10-day meeting of the elite Jekyll Island Club (owners: John D. Rockefeller and JP. Morgan) in November 1910.
Covering the dollar in gold effectively protected the value of that currency. Not until US President Richard Nixon broke the fixed dollar-gold exchange rate (then about $35 an ounce) on August 15, 1971. He explained that France had approached the US with the intention of buying a large quantity of gold and that there were fears that other countries would follow France. The reason seems plausible, but funding the eight-year war in Vietnam was definitely more important to Nixon. Without the gold standard, it was easier to raise funds for the costly war across the Pacific.
An ounce of gold currently costs around $2,040. In 52 years, the value of the dollar has fallen 58 times. A cheeky virus with a crown on its head, spreading fear and terror of influenza, contributed significantly to such a development of events. Spending huge sums of money to support the Kiev oligarchs, levying a tax on breathing (CO2), suppressing economic activity mainly of small and medium-sized enterprises while printing money is a deliberate measure to control the slow collapse of the monetary system . Without these measures, this financial system would eventually collapse anyway, but the battle is over when. Failed big banks are being bailed out to buy time.
You may ask the question, if they care about time, then why are they ruining the world economy? In order to be able to quickly finish off the old financial system at the right moment. This is not possible when the economy and money are stable.

Mr Emmanuel Macron, upon his return from Beijing, to distract attention from the troubles on the streets of French cities, announced that France would no longer be a vassal of the US and the dollar. France is life and death tied to the US dollar in the eurozone. And the death of this and many other dollar-based currencies is the most likely prediction given the current situation. Even if France pays for oil in Bricsle in the future – as I tentatively called this future currency – the Bricsle will be paid in the current equivalent in euros or dollars.
A major international conference will be held in Africa in mid-August, at which the BRICS countries want to present this new currency to us.

As long as this new money doesn’t just go virtual and is backed by physical assets (precious metals, oil, gas), I’m happy to accept it – the most important thing is that these new notes finally stop being green.
Of course, with this green color, it’s a joke. I wish the American people the best. From these desires, however, I exclude criminals in government, big financial organizations, pharmaceuticals, big technology corporations, the defense industry, and the army. Also everyone who works with this Deep State.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik