Wroclaw/Poland 04/06/2023
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According to the WHO report “Infertility Prevalence Estimates 1990-2021” released on Friday (Source), about one in six people worldwide has experienced infertility at some point in their life.

It has long been known that 10% of the boosted women in an analysis by the Israeli Ministry of Health on February 10. Menstrual irregularities occurred in 2022, which indicates hormonal changes or inflammation in the genital tract. Reported Adverse Events After Receiving Pfizer’s Third (Booster) Dose of the Vaccine for COVID-19 | Ministry of Health (www.gov.il). Source.

Due to the fact that a court in Texas forced Pfizer to release documents – Pfizer files – about research into so-called mRNA vaccines, we know how drastically these dangerous preparations affect human fertility.
In mid-March 2023, the independent Swiss platform Die Weltwoche published an article: Depleted sperm, damaged ovaries: Corona vaccination can impair fertility. What has long been denied as a conspiracy theory is written in black and white in the manufacturer’s test studies. Source.
Doesn’t that go hand in hand with the globalist ideology of depopulation? dr Yusuke Narita, known as the Japanese equivalent of Yuval Noah Harrari, a 37-year-old economics professor at Yale, says there are far too many useless people in the world and the solution to this problem is to force “mass suicides”. elderly people. Source.
Thirty years ago, former CIA agent John Coleman published The Conspiraial Hierarchy, The Committee of 300, in which he predicted the events we are witnessing today. Read about it in the UncutNews article: CIA Agents in 1992: “WEF Will Kill Over 4 Billion People by 2030.”
… compulsory pornography in schools, the destruction of industry and nuclear energy, the control of agriculture and food production by the committee of 300, and a push for green energy that cannot sustain current energy demands.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik