Vienna 01/17/2023
Why did I choose the title of Suzanne Collins’ famous science fiction trilogy for this article? Not only because I literally swallowed this, in my opinion, very interesting story. You can find the main reason in an interview with David Icke, conducted on November 26, 2022, as part of the program “London Real”. The video below shows selected excerpts from this over two-hour interview.
Is it worth your time to watch this interview? David Icke explains in an accessible and logical way what it takes to take over the world. There must be a reason why a man living in a one-room flat on the Isle of Wight (UK) was banned from entering all EU countries and Australia for two years last November. So he’s just another “conspiracy theorist” who just went deeper than the others in his quest. It was not the governments of individual countries who decided to make him a non-person from George Orwell’s 1984 book. Who is behind this and how was it possible to deceive the whole world? Find out by watching this interview.
I have written many times that the pandemic is a lie. Global warming is also a scam. The impact of CO2 on the environment is a scam. The war in Ukraine is real, while its causes propagated in the Western media are a fairy tale. These are the milestones of a decades-long plan to take over the world by a handful of billionaires.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik