Wroclaw/Poland 12/16/2022
Bis ins kleinste Detail akribisch geplant und mit vorausgegangenen jahrelangen Vorbereitungen und Übungen gleicht der Great Reset trotz anfänglicher Erfolge heute einem Orchester, das vor über 100 Jahren auf der sinkenden Titanic spielte.

In my opinion, the biggest mistake of this plan was to treat all people on earth as a gray mass that can easily be manipulated by corrupt media. This is a typically technocratic approach: all people are like a black box for them. You put something in this box and you always get the same reaction. That can work, at least for most people. Most of us avoid change. Especially when you see that your current standard of living is under threat.
The Great Reset required developing a philosophy based on lies. We had something similar in the GDR, albeit to a lesser extent than today. Neues Deutschland, the SED’s press organ, only preached the right truth, always in accordance with Moscow’s current policies. It is not surprising that such a daily newspaper was only bought in the Eastern Bloc countries for one purpose: to replace the then scarce toilet paper.

However, there were some inconveniences in the form of ink not only sticking to the newspaper, and the letters were printed on a specific part of the body. However, it was hygienic. The role of today’s independent media was then played by Radio Free Europe and Voice of America. They were, of course, funded by the CIA and informed us accordingly. So, as you can see, our world cannot do without manipulation.
Today, like in East Germany, only a handful of people trust the mainstream media. This trend is slowly but surely shifting in favor of independent sources of information. Of course, they too, intentionally or not, can lie.
The biggest blow to the globalists was Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter. Today’s understandable skepticism about the intentions of the richest man in the world seems unjustified. Especially considering the actions of the new owner of the world’s largest social platform.
Such a break in the common narrative, so far successfully carried out by independent journalists and publicists, has acquired an effective tool to reach a large number of recipients who, in this maze of conflicting news, want an explanation of what is happening around them . The mainstream propaganda centers are also being forced to communicate information more and more openly, which has a positive impact on this handful of loyal recipients of official lies.
Therefore, instead of a Great Reset, we are dealing with a Great Awakening of the world community. For the globalists, this is the Pandora’s box they have opened.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik