Vienna 7/18/2021
A president or prime minister will answer this question. They pull the strings of their dolls as they please. My question is: who is seriously influencing these people? Who influences Chancellor Mercel, President Biden, President Macron and almost all rulers in the world. Who caused it that when we vote, we can choose from almost all politicians and parties that stand … – what exactly?
The World Economic Forum (WEF) appears to be the most appropriate organization. Why? Because since 1971 he has been training people who support globalism. So what? Not everyone can take part in these training courses. You don’t just have to have views that support or want to support globalism. You must have a serious impact on society. Therefore, politicians, media representatives and famous or potentially famous musicians and writers are admitted to such training. Prominent names can be found in Shaping History the First 40 Years 1971 – 2010.
An organization called Global Leaders for Tomorrow (now Young Global Leader) was formed, whose members are the graduates of these courses. I quote an excerpt from this book – link above:
Global Leaders for Tomorrow
In 1992, the Forum launched a new community, the Global Leaders for Tomorrow (GLTs),
composed of 200 young leaders from business, politics, academia, the arts and the media, all
of them under 43 years of age and well established through their achievements and positions
of influence. Among those nominated in the first year were many individuals (indicated below
with their titles at that time) who would later assume key responsibilities or distinguish
themselves further in their fields:
Martine Aubry, Minister of Labour, Employment and Vocational Training of France
José Maria Aznar, President, Partido Popular, Spain
José Manuel Durao Barroso, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Portugal
Anthony C. L. Blair MP, Shadow Cabinet Minister, United Kingdom
Gordon Brown, Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, United Kingdom
Yuriko Koike, Senator, Japan New Party, Japan
Anne Lauvergeon, Deputy Secretary-General, Elysée Palace, France
Yo-Yo Ma, Musician
Angela Merkel, Federal Minister for Women and Youth of Germany
Nicholas Sarkozy, Assistant Secretary, RPR, France
Lawrence Summers, Vice-President and Chief Economist, World Bank, Washington DC
The group which would hold its own Summits, partially in conjunction with the Annual
Meeting in Davos, would be reconstituted in 2003 as The Forum of Young Global Leaders.
Most of you have probably recognized people like Toni Blair, Nicholas Sarkozy, and Angela Merkel. There were more outstanding WEF students. For example Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon (1998). Last year Ms. Analena Berbock, candidate for Chancellor of the Greens Germany, took part in the training – she was published on the Internet as her own texts about lies in the declaration of ownership, irregularities in the published biography and publication of the book, the content mainly consisting of texts written in the Internet found was presented as their own.
The number of these graduates is currently thousands. In 2015 alone, 949 people took part in the training.
And now I turn to the other side of the coin – those politicians who did not accept globalist ideas in their countries. In February of this year the British newspaper The Guardian published this article It’s time for Africa to rein in Tanzania’s anti-vaxxer president.
The Guardian has been funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for at least 10 years:

Tanzania’s President John Magufuli did not approve the constitutional amendment in order to run again in the elections. He cut the salaries of himself and other politicians to support funds for infrastructure expansion. This is the same person who ridiculed the use of a PCR test for human diagnostics over a year ago and sent samples of papaya, rabbit and motor oils to the lab. The results of these tests were positive. The article introduces many African politicians who opposed the recognition of the pandemic and who died of the “Corona”. The President of Tanzania went missing a month later and was found dead in hospital a few days later. The official cause of death was heart disease. His political opponents claimed he died today of the most popular media disease. A few days later, the President of Madagascar, who was also against the pandemic theory, Didier Ratsiraka, died.

The President of Haiti Jovanel Moise
The Haitian President Jovenel Moise died on July 7, 2021. As reports, he was shot dead in an attack on his house. He did not consent to a universal vaccination. Two days after his death, US President Biden announced that delivery of these experimental substances to Haiti had begun…
The author of the article: Marek Wojcik